Feeding your soul

Hi, this is the beginning of a new chapter for me. I always loved righting to you and sharing my thoughts and ideas and it has been ages since I last sent anything. It is a blessing running my own business and after 18 years I have a ton of subscribers and people who regularly share and connect with me about their lives and reach out for support during life’s challenging times. I am truly blessed to be able to be connected to so many beautiful beings all over the world and would like to serve you better than ever this year.

I titled this Feeding your soul because this has been something that has been my focus recently and it’s really hard sometimes! Who knew that committing to things that you actually love doing takes so much grit! I’m sure I am not alone in feeling over whelmed sometimes with life’s daily to do list and the idea of squeezing in anything else seems laughable!

So where to start? Well I just love the wheel of life tool (Attached for you to use below). It is one of my most frequently used tools that I use with clients to begin the process of uncovering what needs rebalancing in a persons life and also what feel’s more important.

For me I uncovered recently that I have a passion for drawing and art, I recalled being a young girl and taking time to be quiet and draw, something I havn’t done in about 20 years! I got this flow of enthusiasm again and it felt good. So at Christmas I was gifted some special charcoal drawing pencils and paper and I bravely booked off a regular afternoon to attend a life drawing class near me. Yay.

Since then all sorts of ideas have come to mind about other things I would like to get involved in and I would love to encourage you to take some time out and see what you discover. Life can be all work work work and recover from this or prepare for that and what sticks all this together and makes the busy times meaningful is the integration of things that feed your soul, things that make you feel alive and growing a part of yourself outside of your professional identity. Here’s the link to the wheel of life chart and the instructions, I hope it brings you some inspiration and clarification.

(Notes to add to the instructions given) Identify an area which you feel must improve. Then write down actions that you could take within a time frame that will give that area a boost. For example Health area could be low, map out he following steps you could take, (naturally use your own action steps, these are examples.

Action week 1: Research where I can join a swimming club, Block out time in the diary to attend and commit by purchasing the pass or membership, Book appointment with GP get bloods done for check up, Chat to Susie on weds, she always make me feel motivated.

In peace an with love



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